Professional Photographer in Cappadocia Yemelin Art
I am solely focused on providing high-quality services in the fields of professional photography in Cappadocia, retouching, image, and style creation. In other words, my job extends beyond just taking pictures that clients would like to post on social networks or print; it’s also about satisfying my artistic nature. Therefore, if I accept a photoshoot request, I do my utmost to achieve the best possible result.
“If you value your time and wish to capture your travels with the best memories, partnering with a true professional photographer in Cappadocia, then you’ve landed on the right site. Dive in and explore our world of stunning photography and unforgettable experiences, where each click is a story waiting to be told.”
yemelin Art
Can anything be better?

First and foremost, I don’t offer preset packages. As an artist, my focus is on quality, not quantity. This means I am not looking to maximize the number of clients simply for higher earnings. Instead, I carefully select the clients I work with. Each photoshoot is customizable and tailored to be as personal as possible. So the final cost is always dependent on the client’s specific needs.
Due to the specific features of Cappadocia, all photoshoots include transportation. There are no restrictions on the number of locations or the quantity of raw photos we take. Our primary focus is on time and the quality of the results. For information on how this works and to learn more about my shooting workflow process, please refer to the following page on my website
Photoshoots – a way to capture a specific event. This option is the most budget-friendly, yet clients receive a vast quantity of high-quality photographs (we do not limit the number of photos taken) and we are not restricted by the number of locations we can visit. However, we are limited by time, usually 2-3 hours, and the number of people, up to 3, simply due to car space limitations. The cost of such a photoshoot without editing is only 250 euros. Editing images I do for an additional fee, which is described separately because there are several types of “editing”
Cost of Processing. As hard as I try, it’s absolutely impossible to set a fixed cost for processing each photograph. The complexity lies in the fact that photo processing can vary greatly, so we need to find a compromise between three components – the number of processed photos, the quality of processing, and the budget.
Broadly speaking, the cost depends on the amount of time spent on processing. I charge 100 euros for about 2 hours of work in Capture One or Lightroom. In this time, I can process approximately 30-40 photos (net). This usually involves color correction, toning,(filters) and cleaning up the photos from any clutter. Gross processing includes copying, cataloging, selecting photos from the shoot, uploading to cloud services, etc., which can take significantly more time, so all together it might take about 6-8 hours of work.
However, there is another option for creative or professional processing. Sometimes it involves working with a large number of layers, adding or removing objects, changing the background in a photo, in addition to cleaning up clutter or, for example, refining human skin, doing digital sculpting, changing geometry, and so on. Processing just one such photo can take several hours, or even days, so it’s difficult to state the cost of one photo in advance, but on average, for the procedures I do most often, it ranges from 15 to 50 euros per photo, most of which you can see on my Instagram account.
Sum it up
The photoshoot service is priced at 250 euros for a 2-3 hour session, including an unlimited number of locations and photographs. Typically, in this timeframe, we manage to visit 4-8 locations and take in average between 1 to 3 thousand photos and videos. Video shooting is included in the price as it doesn’t require different equipment.
Editing costs range from 5 to 50 euros per photograph. Usually, people order about 20-40 photos for 100 euros, or they request several photos to be processed more professionally, which can cost between 15-50 euros per photo.
The unprocessed photos are delivered immediately or the next day by any method convenient for the client. Processed photos are usually completed within a month. The client can choose the photos for processing, but I wait no more than a month, and then process them at my discretion.
Discount policy
The prices listed above are public, fixed, already as low as possible, and include taxes and all associated costs. Therefore, I do not bargain and I do not have a “best price for you.” If my terms are acceptable to you, we can work together. If not, I am not interested to push nobody to order my services.
Before dealing, I need to get some information about my clients: name, contact number, the exact day of shooting, hotel where they will stay, preferably reference images or ideas they wish to get. For my client’s comfort prepayment for reservation is no needed. If you accept my conditions, next our steps we can discuss on WhatsApp.